000036 | 504E5B | 71011A | 785130 | 878787 | D2C26A | F6E482 | FEFFFF |
I just want to let you know, we are still around.
This is the second snowstorm this week after a pretty good blizzard over the weekend.
I will never beg for snow (!) - slowly we have enough.
I am not often at the computer - as we are in the country, we do not have "real" High Speed
and the constant snowfall and ice pellets make it slower. To post a picture took l6 min.
There is no need to comment --- and I apologize for no Thank you notes or comments.
But ........... might be we will get Spring after all.
This is my husband "walking" Shiva right over our fence to a nearby field - there are some bare spots from the wind. -- A total frustrated Shiva after coming home !
Greetings from Shiva MN