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March l8th, 2015

Posted by
Shiva (Berwick, Canada) on 19 March 2015 in Miscellaneous and Portfolio.

I just want to let you know, we are still around.
This is the second snowstorm this week after a pretty good blizzard over the weekend.
I will never beg for snow (!) - slowly we have enough.
I am not often at the computer - as we are in the country, we do not have "real" High Speed
and the constant snowfall and ice pellets make it slower. To post a picture took l6 min.
There is no need to comment --- and I apologize for no Thank you notes or comments.
But ........... might be we will get Spring after all.

This is my husband "walking" Shiva right over our fence to a nearby field - there are some bare spots from the wind. -- A total frustrated Shiva after coming home !
Greetings from Shiva MN

Devi from Chennai, India

Looks pretty miserable.....Despair not...it will pass over...and you'll have beautiful spring soon...Take care

19 Mar 2015 6:54am

omid from mashhad, Iran

Hi, dear Monika! :)
Spring is coming soon ...

19 Mar 2015 7:16am

Sam from Chennai, India

Great shots of the severe weather after snow storms. Shiva looks very uncomfortable.
Take care. Spring is coming soon. Kind regards. :)

19 Mar 2015 5:54pm

Doug from Burnham-on-Sea, United Kingdom

Take care all three of you Monika, I hope you have a thaw soon and spring gets to you

19 Mar 2015 9:34pm

Linda Candilas from Cameron Park, United States

Monika, take care as you guys get all the snow, be careful and stay warm. Your photograph tell it all, thank you for sharing, spring will be on it's way soon.:))
I have been away to Big Sur for the last week, you are going to hate my posts when I get them downloaded, it is spring here, flowers everywhere and beautiful blue skies. California is dry as a bone! Sending warm hugs your way.:))

19 Mar 2015 10:13pm

Adela Fonts from Barcelona, Spain

Read your words has left me cold. It seems that you have lots of snow. lots of snow.! Please be very careful with it dear Monika! HUGS dear friend!

19 Mar 2015 11:23pm

Adela Fonts from Barcelona, Spain

Read your words has left me cold. It seems that you have lots of snow. lots of snow.! Please be very careful with it dear Monika! HUGS dear friend!

19 Mar 2015 11:26pm

Elaine Hancock from Rockville, United States

That is a lot of snow! It looks so cold! I hope it warms up soon. Stay inside!

20 Mar 2015 1:16am

L'angevine from Angers, France

superbe avec cette partie en bas comme si le chien regardait la TV

20 Mar 2015 11:05am

Judy aka L@dybug from Brooksville, FL, United States

Oh, my word ... I thought your husband was up to his waist in snow!!!
I am trying to send you some warmth!

24 Mar 2015 12:47am

Mohammad/Navvab from shiraz, Iran

its the best

24 Mar 2015 11:36am

Marilla from Turku, Finland

Hello Monika and Shiva! Incredible that you have had so much snow storms. We have no snow and no green either - this spring has been cold. Let's hope the warm weather comes soon. :)

25 Mar 2015 9:23am