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We belong together

Posted by
Shiva (Berwick, Canada) on 16 October 2013 in Plant & Nature and Portfolio.

I had to change my picture today before posting - I need some of Nature's beauty --------- because I visited a site and saw all the waste of human life ........ and it keeps going ..............

Frankiess from Český Těšín, Czech Republic

This is a nice colorful shot ! Lovely !

16 Oct 2013 2:41pm

@Frankiess: Thanks very much for your kind comment. A nice evening - Monika

Nicou from Sion, Switzerland

Quelle macro quelle forme et ce vilet ces traces sueprbe.
Belle soirée

16 Oct 2013 3:43pm

@Nicou: Thanks very much Nicolas - I appreciate your comment as always. Kindest regards Monika

Laur from Clermont-Ferrand, France

Très jolie lumière sur ces aubergine, la couleur est aussi exquise !

16 Oct 2013 7:19pm

@Laur: Thank you - we grew for the first time these striped Aubergines - and I like the looks verymuch. Kind regards Monika

franz from Baden, Austria

herrliches foto, großartiges format! diese auberginen sehen aus wie fantasievolle ohrringe ;-)

16 Oct 2013 7:36pm

@franz: Danke Franz, es freut mich, wenn Dir ein Bild gefaellt. Wenn ich in Fabrikation gehe - dann muss ich also Briefbeschwerer und nun Ohrringe anfertigen. Du hast prima Anregungen. !! Herzliche Gruesse - einen schoenen Abend Monika

Steve Rice from Olympia, United States

A pretty shot of this pair of eggplants. A really nice presentation, too.

16 Oct 2013 9:12pm

@Steve Rice: Thanks very much, I love to decorate and play with vegies and flowers ........ and we have big gardens. Kindest regards - nice evening Monika

omid from mashhad, Iran

:) very nice!
so beautiful colors & lights!

16 Oct 2013 9:57pm

@omid: I am happy you like the picture, Omid - have a nice evening - kind regards Monika

Judy aka L@dybug from Brooksville, FL, United States

Wonderful eggplants ... or what you may call aubergines ... I love the colors!

16 Oct 2013 11:27pm

@Judy aka L@dybug: Well Judy I call them eggplants now but grew up withAubergines !! Thanks very much for your comment - kindest regards Monika

Devi from Chennai, India

Lovely...A single heart beating in to bodies :)))) I love eggplant..

17 Oct 2013 12:04am

@Devi: Thanks Devi, I am using a lot of eggplants - lots of different ways to do them. I thought, those two somehow seemed to be together ..... Kindest regards Monika

Doug from Burnham-on-Sea, United Kingdom

Nice image, life is far too precious to waste

17 Oct 2013 6:17am

@Doug: You are very right, Doug - thanks for your nice comment - have a nice evening - kindest regards Monika

Nelida De La Fuente from Tres Arroyos, Argentina

Maravillosa captura de estas hermosas
berenjenas, que dan una bonita vista.
Genial iluminación y colores... Saludos.

17 Oct 2013 6:22am

NeGaH from shiraz, Iran

very very nice ,
Big like

17 Oct 2013 6:48am

@NeGaH: I am happy that you like the picture. Have a nice evening - kind regards Monika

Marilla from Turku, Finland

I understand. This image is full of beauty and lovely colours, it feels good to watch it.

17 Oct 2013 7:34am

@Marilla: Thank you for your understanding ....... its good for the eyes - something pleasant to watch. Kindest regards to both of you Monika

jpla from St Barthélémy d, France

Jolie prise ! Bonne journée

17 Oct 2013 8:33am

@jpla: Thanks very much for your kind comment - nice evening - Regards Monika

This image has been featured in 1 Remix collection.

Fotos Deslumbrantes by Nelida De La Fuente